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However, you are now privileged. Below is a top secret topic Jerrie DOESN'T want you to see!!
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The jokes write themselves. hehe hehe heh....
What ARE you smokin' Crystal Dawn?
that hemp satchel found under the clerks counter....
oh my god that was so freaking hilareous. "polar bears know whats best for us" "i'm leaving as soon as i clean up Nitro" He blames the liberals and to a lesser degree most blacks and muslims for our problems....sad that he actually believes that...
One criticism...the heavy drinker logo is emblazened with a martini...i would think a long neck silver bullet would be more appropo :)
Pretty funny. No wonder they've got it locked down so tight that I can't get in.
Paranoia is a scary thing...
Crystal...I think I luv U !!!!!!
That is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Crystal -- you and I are polar opposites politically [and probably in more ways than that] but I have to applaud your expose'. LOL
It's amazing what Waters has been doing to hide some of his threads. Have you noticed that he went from fully opened, to fully closed [to lurkers], now to partially open [hiding the key Nitro thread].
He's gone from claiming one person as a relative to announcing on the show they aren't related, to saying they're only related by marriage and now posting she is his "cousin". ROFLMAO!!!
He's got to be bi-polar or paranoid or something.
He's deleted the entire Nitro section before in order to hide stuff from "prying eyes". [More likely legal eagles.]
Here's to intelligent debate making the world go round.
Hey thanks Muze. We do have opposing political views but that doesn't make either one of us right or wrong. I actually enjoy reading your blog a lot and think you have many valid points.
Jerry is nutty, so it's only appropriate that I satirize his board.
Both of you need to come see us at
We would love to have you all.
BTW CD yu have been missed at the DU as well. I love your sense of humor.
Wow! Isn't this the same "Muze" who was Jerrys best friend when he had a radio show?
Correct me if I'm wrong...
Ridiculous, irrational, uninformed right wing buffoonery in WV?! Who would have ever suspected!
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