Anyway, I chose Accounting because it was practical, I could make more money, and I luv to count beans. At State, there are general business courses that were required of everyone in the "Business Administration" program. These general courses were taken by those that majored in Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing. So we all had to take basic management, economic, marketing classes, and so forth. The big difference was that the Finance and Accounting people took much harder classes in addition to these general ones. I would even say the Accounting people took the hardest classes of them all. Auditing is a bitch!
Like many commuters, I worked and took classes in the evening. I busted my ass that last year, even attending summer school. I was quite anxious to receive my diploma and hang it up on my wall, in my office, so my boss would finally respect me.
And this is the piece of shit paper I got!:

Look closer and tell me what you see!!

That's right folks. No where on that lame document do you see the word ACCOUNTING. That's because everyone in the "Business Administration" program got the EXACT SAME DIPLOMA AS I DID. What a ripoff!!
(Note: I obviously photoshopped off my real name - the diploma is real!) lol
I loved this post! BTW, did you know that the wv blogger board is back up and under new management. It's at and I did a blog post about it here.
thanks for the heads up jedi!
and on top of that they didn't even capitalize the initials in your name. wow.....screw state schools.
Same thing happened to me (same school). Iworked for 4 years on a as in compter science, but I got a degree with "criminal justice"
It took several months to get it fixed.
You might want to see if the registration dept didn't screw up again.
THese are the things that YOU should have looked into BEFORE you took your first class. Sounds to me like you are a bitter BICTH who after lacking the maturity to do it the first time went to a school (a FUCKING GREAT ONE) and actually learned something...Get over yourself. Since your into accounting then count on this when paying for an education the first thing that you should look at is the entire program.
You must be one of those dipshit biz teachers I had - considering you're typing from a WVSU campus computer asshole.
Congratulations on the degree CD! That is awesome. No shit.
As one who went back to school after getting one degree and working for 15 years I can tell you that your degree was harder earned and you most likely learned more than the fulltime youth who were there to get through and get out. I had one professor tell me back when I was an older non-traditional student that "education is wasted on youth."
Oh, and what you experienced is typical. My degree simply says "Bachelor of Science." Yo, my major was chemistry and biology. All those business administration people who didn't work nearly as hard as me and never took a fucking science class in their whole college career got the same damn degree. How the hell. . . oh yea, my employer or anyone else interested isn't going to be looking at my degree. In fact, no one has ever really seen it except me and those who were there when it came in the mail.
Clue for ya: transcript, resume.
Thanks hillbilly! And definately congrats to you on the chemistry and biology degree. I was a chem major for a brief time and just couldn't grasp the organics - but maybe the partying had something to do with it! lol
Want more people to know about West Virginia State's faults? I've created a forum designed to let people gripe about their schools. Post there to warn prospective students.
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