October 9, 2007

Kanawha Board of Education considers book ban

"Kanawha school board members Bill Raglin and Pete Thaw argued Monday against teaching two Pat Conroy books at Nitro High School. The books were suspended after some parents complained, prompting a student protest Friday and heated debate on both sides."

Does that mean the popular Irving Stone novel, "The Agony and the Ecstasy," that is also a high school favorite, will end up being banned too? I mean, with all the homosexual references in there? How about we burn "Fahrenheit 451" just for kicks instead.

Book banning reminds me of the the Puritan times. Ahh, memories.

This action of banning "Prince of Tides," that has about as much sex as FOX drama's do on any given week night, goes right in line step with abstinence only teaching in sex ed. But this goes deeper folks. There is an undercurrent and strong desire to eliminate public schools altogether and it starts with these religious sex deprived zealots.

Holy rollers need to take their kids and put them in private snake handler schools if they want to raise them to be idiots, and leave our public schools alone.


Raging Red has a great write-up about the controversy (with Steve, the teacher, comments and all) and a link to Pat Conroy's letter to the Gazette:

I heard rumors of this controversy as I was completing my latest filthy, vomit-inducing work.


The school board of Charleston, West Virginia, has sullied that gift and shamed themselves and their community. You’ve now entered the ranks of censors, book-banners, and teacher-haters, and the word will spread. Good teachers will avoid you as though you had cholera. But here is my favorite thing: Because you banned my books, every kid in that county will read them, every single one of them. Because book banners are invariably idiots, they don’t know how the world works — but writers and English teachers do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Thaw asked when board members became responsible for introducing deviant behavior to students"

WTF!!!! "Introducing" deviant behavior. The EXCERPT from the book talks about, in graphic detail, a horrible rape of a boy. Yet Cartman's Grandpa calls this "Introducing" this act to high school students. What, high school kids aren't aware of that horrible acts like rape or pedophilia occur? Have they never seen CSI or Law and Order? Do people never get raped or murdered on cop shows, often showing a mutalated corpse or shooting at 8:02 p.m. on CBS (while my kids are still up dangdabbit :) )

Ooohhhh, i forgot....Conroy uses the work "fuck" gratuitously. Hope Thaw doesn't let lil Eric watch Glengarry Glen Ross on MMAX. That's on at 3:20 p.m. next Sunday :)