Debating our Destiny that examined past presidential (and vice presidential) debates since 1976. All living Presidents and Vice's agreed to be interviewed except Al Gore. That's unfortunate because it was the first Gore/Bush debate that was most revealing in my opinion.
Man, what could have been. I mean, does it take a NASA scientist to figure out that Gore was right about everything, including what to do with the surplus we had? Fiscal conservatism is a made up term too, by the way!

You can see Gore become animated with the absurdity of Bush's retarded statements and flat out falsehoods with sighs, rolling eyes, and flailing hands. I don't actually think this cost him the election (since it was stolen) but it helped perpetuate the meme that Gore is "the liar" when it was actually the other fucking guy. Bush even used the "inventing the internet" line that conservadips continue to cite to this very day. Watching Bush recall those debates is almost sickening. He admittedly recounts using "zingers" as he calls them, to counteract the factual assertions Gore was making about the economy. "Fuzzy math" Bush said then, without any explanation as to exactly how the math was supposed to be fuzzy. But the cretins who voted for him don't require rational explanations, so there you have it.
The second debate had the two sitting down, I guess to make a less combative atmosphere, but the third had a moment when Gore walked toward Bush in that chest butting kinda way men do - probably because he was just so fed up with the bullshit. Bush responded with a wink like the ass pirate that he is. That third debate was the townhall setting the conservatives typically prefer because they consist of 90 second answers and no follow-ups. Another reason McCain continues to insist on these brain-dead, memorized townhall debates that Obama has been refusing.
The 2004 debates displayed even more absurdness from the conservatives and don't be surprised when McPalin's debating skillz will be adored by media pundits and half-witted voters alike. It's as if the debates have become a frenzy of "zingers" and meaningless issues while specific policy points are too darned difficult to grasp. Just recall Hillary and Obama's last debate with ABC's Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos for a prime example.
Despite the retarded questions that will inevitably be asked this go around, and despite how retardedly McPalin answers them, I have no doubt that Obama and Biden will out play these two fools - at least in the eyes of the mentally alert. Hopefully they'll learn from these past debates and won't hold back attacking the pitbull and the insane POW. Attack, attack, attack (but keep it truthful), and don't allow yourself to be attacked like the liberal wussy that you are ... because that is what people pay attention to.
Side note: Bill Maher had one of the best Real Time episodes in a long time on Friday. Conservative shill John Fund was trying to tell the panel that Democrats need to be civil and quit with the attacks. Fund knows that this tactic does not work, which is why he kept insisting on it.
yo crystal, i cant read yo toon you embeded. make it bigger pleaz!!!! my eyez aint wut day use to B.
Othawize, dat post was da shizzle :)
PS Real Time did kick ass on Fri. Garafolo is da (wo)man fo sho!! She kick'd Fund in da nutz yo wit dat quik wit of hurs and she had al da facts 2 an shit.
Wait a sec - what jacknut scheduled the first debate for a Friday?!? Lots of folks will tune in for that one, I'm sure.
The thing to do is have a debate party with drinking games. Drink once when McCain says "reform" and four times when he says "my friends." :)
Hey! How have I missed this blog?
Great stuff. . . I got you linked.
found your blog site over at Sagacous Hillbilly, mind if I link to it. I was born and raised in WV, now a Buckeye (for 34 years). But still a mountaineer at heart.
Not a problem. I've linked you as well. Thanks :)
yo, crystal when u gonna fix dat toon u put up ther. like i told u my eyez aint wut they used to b. make it large an shit!!1!!!
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