"A star is born," said Chris Wallace on Fox.
"A star is born," Blitzer said.
"A star is born," said Anderson Cooper on CNN.
The media has admittedly been on Obama's side for a time. I wouldn't say completely considering the Wright scandals and the incessant circulation of ridiculous claims that he is a secret Muslim terrorist. Sorry, he's a moderate Christian just like the rest of you hypocrites.
The media has, in fact, had a fascination with Obama and has taken a small liking to a Democrat, probably not seen since Kennedy. But after the dust settles, the media must take it's predictable turn, under the guise of fair reporting, and actually gloat over the most unqualified VP pick in a century.
I won't even entertain the ridiculous notion that Obama lacks experience. Call me an elitist but I trust a man who put himself through Harvard Law School to make intelligent decisions about the safety and security of our country more than a hotheaded bottom of the class buffoon who is willing to bomb anything in his path. It's just me but if you forgot Czechoslovakia was no longer a country then maybe you should have paid attention in class if you ever plan on invading them one day!
It doesn't surprise me that Palin is another dullard conservative who panders to the idea of raping oil rich land and pocketing its riches. McCain is the same is the same is the same as Bush, and it really makes no difference that he chose a running mate with the same unabashed thievery of the American people and un-maverick-like qualities. Sorry lady, but governing an entire State with less people than the city of Chicago does not make one a political maverick or apart from the Washington elite. It makes you about as qualified as Rusty Casto.

It doesn't necessarily surprise me either that she campaigned as a fiscal conservative (like they all do) in Wasilla, Alaska and then increased government expenditures (like they all do) by 33%. Taxes were also increased by 38% in an underhanded move (like they all do) by lowering property taxes and increasing sales taxes. Essentially, the wealthy land owners benefited and the residents of Wasilla did not.
It wasn't enough that she was given zero debt to play with, that she had to leave a city with a population no bigger than Nitro, WV in debt (like they all do) for 22 million because a SuperDome was more important than a sewage treatment plant. Can you imagine a SuperDome in Nitro?
What does frighten me the most, however, is her pander to the extreme religious right. Because these are the people who not only want all your money, but they want you kept dumb and justifiably enslaved - mostly the women and darkies.
What you are seeing is the media's natural tendency to gloss over the real issues facing our country. Instead of making fun of Bristol Palin's babbydaddy, they should be asking how a mother who cut funding for teenage pregnancy, promoted abstinence-only education, and cut funding for special needs babies could possibly be so hypocritical. How can you force others to abide by your set of moral codes when you can't even abide by them yourself you sorry example.
Instead of telling her she's a trooper for homeschooling son Stump and daughter TwitterBug, ask her how she plans to reject science in our public schools and ban books from public libraries because James Dobson told her to do it.
Instead of likening her to Hillary Clinton, demand logical examples of how Miss Congeniality and a Governor of 20 months compares to a lifetime of achievement. Because actually working hard, educating yourself in political law and public policy, serving in the Senate, and fighting for women's rights can't possibly be as admirable as getting it handed to you!
So Sarah Palin will cinch the evangelical base. That is a given and the second reason McCain picked her. But remember, Karl Rove is actually advising this campaign as well, and it was the evangelical excuse used to explain how Bush got so many votes in 2004. I'm just sayin'.
1 comment:
too bad the facts don't match her bullshit rhetoric.
That seems to be a underlying theme of Palin's career.
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