October 8, 2008

I Will Be

for a few weeks. Later suckers!

p.s. That's really me. Here's a close-up:


anonymous said...

Damn, Crystal you've lost weight.

arrozconpollo said...

yeah, you look like Nicole Richie, pre-pregnancy. Well, Nicole Richie after bathing in AquaNet.

SagaciousHillbilly said...

Oh man, you look so hot in that pict CD.
Sun, sand, surf and all that hair. . .

themom said...

Mexico??? I love Cancun - I'd rather be there than here right now - you are the lucky one!

crystal dawn said...

Not quite that far south themom... Florida I be in. :)

Hillbilly, it's amazing my bangs stay teased in this hot humid weather. Got my toes in the sand, and a drink in my hand. ;)

p.s. can you guys believe Obama up by 8 points in West by gawd Virginia?? Whoohoo!

SagaciousHillbilly said...

CD, It's only been less than a week and we miss you soooooo bad. Tell us (me) you're coming back and you'll bring your hair with you. . . oh, and don't get sucked into one of those follicular scams they try and perpetrate on the Mexican beaches where they braid your hair up all tight and you end up walking around some airport in the southern USA looking like a silly tourist who fell for a follicular scam on the beach in Mexico.

crystal dawn said...

Ha! It would take 3 days to braid this hair anyway. I think I'll opt to drink rum and coke's with a hat on instead.

No worries though, I'll be back slightly before the big day when all the wing-nuts will have to salute the black commander in chief. :)