There's probably a lot of sites that will be live blogging and updating their maps in real time tonight but I like because it not only gives you an overview of the Presidential map, but also Senate and House races, and informative stats from past elections. From their current polling map:
Obama will take all the states John Kerry won in 2004, worth 252 electoral votes. He also has led consistently in three Bush states: Iowa, New Mexico, and Colorado, worth a total of 21 electoral votes. Together with the Kerry states, this gives Obama 273 EVs and the presidency, even if McCain runs the table on the other swing states. However, Obama is leading in Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia, and essentially tied in Florida, North Carolina, and Missouri. It is likely that Obama will win the election with well over 300 electoral votes, possibly 350 of them.
Real Clear Politics has Obama polling with an average of +7.8 points today. Hope it's enough...
West Virginia has been consistently for McCain, except for a small bump in early October that went for Obama.

I predict a 53% win by popular vote for Obama. In reality, it should be a lot more, but there's enough purging and suppression and shitty machines to reduce that number.
On my way to work thru the whitest of the white neighborhood I passed a bunch of Obama supporters waving signs and hands in front of the Don Cesar. wow. So I'm going out on a limb and saying 58%.
You've probably got it about right, but anything can happen. Amurkkkin voters are a strange bunch.
My sole prediction is that WV will go big for McCain and maintain their status one of Amurkkka's premier racist backwater states.
Damn, I can't stop from watching the clock...suspense is not healthy for me!! Enjoy guys!
Obama 326
McFailin 212
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