First, he deletes my posts, and then he bans me once more from his persistent Down for Maintenance free forum because he can't stand for anyone to expose the folly of his argument. He seriously wants us to believe his theory that the government providing free internet access to the East End will endanger impressionable children to porn, bomb making material, and who knows what else.
So that means, the kids who already have internet access (provided by their parents or private business) are just as vulnerable to the filth of the internet tubes, and we need to make sure they are ok too.....right?
"Wrong!" sayeth Jer. It's ok if private business does it, or a parent does it. See, it doesn't really matter if kids are exposed to internet tube filth, as long as the government (rather, his precious tax dollars) don't provide it. Therefore, his concern for children is completely bogus. And he knows it. Which is why he banned me so he could get the last bolded ALL CAPS word in.
Take a look at the topic and tell me how wrong I am.
Time Out Closet <--- Err....shouldn't that be time out "chair" and not "closet" ?? Wuzzup with the homosexual reference there Jer? hahaha!

Wow. Jerry's got some, uh, control issues, huh? I'm actually skeptical of publicly funded Wi-Fi, but it's got nothing to do with kids stumbling on porn under their parents' noses. But, I don't live in Charleston and don't have any say in how my user fee is spent, anyway, so I'll leave the debate to somebody else.
I suppose you can find any argument against how tax dollars are spent, but Jer's is totally flawed. Since I always luv a good conspiracy, I think it's just the usual "keep the poor people stupid because they are blood sucking wastes on society anyway" mentality that drives such purblind thinking.
hahaha! You want me!
hahaha! You wish!
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