Public support of the Democratic Congress is a Fizzie, too. The Los Angeles Times released a poll this week that showed only 27 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, while 65 percent disapprove.
Last April, the same newspaper poll showed a Republican Congress with 28 percent approval and 61 percent disapproval.
It took Republicans 12 years to dissolve. Democrats have done it in less than six months.
I congratulate them on their efficiency.
Surber dutifully fails to note that Congress's current approval rating is based on one issue and one issue alone: Getting our soldiers the fuck out of Iraq.
And what...we've had like 6 months of a Democratic Congress? So I guess suddenly now that anything that gets done in Congress, or doesn't, is somehow a Democratic blunder to a grub writer like Surber. Nevermind that there were 12 years of corporatist welfare, 5 years of enabling the worst administration evah, and now just enough obstructionist Repubs to prevent any such accomplishments.
As Senate Minority Trent Lott, R-Miss., said, “the strategy of being obstrucionist can work or fail. So far it’s working for us."
Republicans continually threaten to filibuster, requiring 60 votes for cloture (a limit on debate) to proceed on a wide variety of measures. In the first six months of the 110th Congress, there have been 13 cloture votes. In comparison, in the first sessions of the 108th and 109th Congresses, when Democrats were in the minority, there were a total of four cloture votes.
You can view a chart of how senators voted on key issues here.
But that doesn't stop guys like this

from getting published and passed off as a journalist.
Shiite! Bob Geiger has more about Reid and his cohorts possibly stepping up tomorrow bitches!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Reid To Force Senate Into All-Night Session Tuesday
Forcing his Republican colleagues to put up or shut up on the notion of an up-or-down vote, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) just moments ago announced that he will immediately file a cloture motion on the Reed-Levin troop redeployment bill and, if Republicans follow through with a filibuster, will place the Senate in a prolonged all-night session Tuesday to force a true continuation of debate.
Here's the the text of the Reed-Levin amendment.
Update II:
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) proposed “an automatic 60-vote threshold for all key Iraq amendments.”
While Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) calls out McConnell and Repubs filibuster threats. Watch it!
Crooks & Liars has the transcript.
Update III:
Well Congress did have an all-nighter and there were some pretty passionate speeches. Crooks & Liars has a noteworthy one from Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-Louisianna).
I wonder what the approval rating for Congress was with the GOP in control. It couldn't have been that much better.
From Surber's article he tells us that last April GOP's approval was 28%... just one point above the current Dem rate. Whoopie! He's actually trying to compare a dozen years to a half of a dozen months. lol
Dems were put in Congress by a landslide because the people want change in Iraq. Forget Libby, wiretapping, war profiteering, and other crimes the Busheveiks have done. Iraq is the only thing people can put their collective minds on because war hits home hard. Yet, most Democrats have been failing us miserably in this department because they have been caving in to the Repubs filibuster threats. I guess we'll see what happens tonight.
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