Now why am I not surprised that last night our Dark Lord cited analysts Michael O’Hanlon and Kenneth M. Pollack's published report in the New York Times arguing that things are going better in Iraq?
Look at the piece that appeared yesterday in The New York Times — not exactly a friendly publication — but a piece by Mr. O’Hanlon and Mr. Pollack on the situation in Iraq. They’re just back from visiting over there. They both have been strong critics of the war, both worked in the prior administration; but now saying that they think there’s a possibility, indeed, that we could be successful.
If you've been following how this administration uses the media to trump their positions beforehand then you'll know this is just another prime example. Remember when Cheney was on Meet the Press back in early 2003 citing Judith Miller's NY TIMES piece (that was published like the day before his appearance) concerning Iraq's aluminum tubes? Don't be fooled that this recent leebural NY Times piece and then Cheney's appearance on Larry King is mere coincidence. It's planned propaganda and I absolutely luvs me some good conspiracy.
O’Hanlon and Pollack have appeared on at least nine major mainstream media outlets in the past 24 hours.
A list of their media appearances:
Pollack CBS Evening News
CNN Newsroom
CNN Situation Room
MSNBC Tucker
NPR Talk of the Nation
O’Hanlon CBS Early Show
CBS Evening News
Fox News Special Report
MSNBC Hardball
They've also tried to pass themselves off as liberal hawks usually critical of this administration, but with a mere Google search on this here great thing called the computer, you can figure out it's simply not true. Glenn Greenwald does a finer job than I could ever do collecting the words of these two "liberals" and proving once again that you can't believe a word our media spews.
If these guys (media whores and administration devil spawns) have continued to get things completely and utterly wrong from the get go, then when are we going to wise up and realize the NY Times isn't a liberal rag and turn off the damn teevee?
Glenn has more of the obvious:
From the administration's mouths, to the pens of obedient journalists and pundits, back into the administration's mouths.
Update II:
Talking Points Memo has a pop-up video spoof of the interview. hehe
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