I'm sure many of you know by now that I'm a bleeding heart liberal. Liberals hate freedoms, they intend to destroy the economy, and we especially desire to make sure poor, worthless dolts who refuse to work get all the free shit they can. Oh, and we love trees too. But that doesn't stop some of us from really hating certain types of peeps.
I actually can't stand the hypocritical losers who work the system. These kinds of people are the ones who talk the talk and prove you otherwise. You know who I'm talking about. The hypocritical pieces of shit who hate any sort of socialized system but then jump at the chance to abuse such systems. The ones who make it a point to tell you how much they love Jesus and that they really and truly want an honest pay for an honest day's worth of work. The kind of assholes who hire Casto Clinic and Doctor Punjabi Dipaka to claim some sort of back injury. Back injuries are soo convenient because they are soo hard to dispute. And the truly worthless scumbags understand this. Then you see them riding a jet ski or something.

Now, everyone knows that a Mimosa in the morning, cracked beer at 10:30 a.m.(beer 30), 7&7's by noon, and a totti or two in the evening is the way to the path of coolness. That means I also hate snobs who stick their snotty noses up at drinkers. There are three kinds of these pricks. One, they drank a berry wine cooler when they were 14 and got so trashed that they think everyone else in the world has the same brittle tolerance as they do. Second, they are holy rollers and are therefore stupid. Jesus drank wine and lived in a commune like a hippy bitches! Third, they are closet drinkers. So in other words, they have to sneak Bailey's in their coffee. I think these are the worst kind because they are usually the ones to talk shit about drinkers behind their back. Fuckin' hypocrites.
1 comment:
Drinkers rule! I love me some drinking. Anyone who doesn't like drinkers can have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.
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