August 31, 2007

Omg Fred Thompson was so great in The Hunt for Red October

Hey all you Grand Old Peeps. Freddie is now officially a
canditate for the Decider's position in '08. Happy happy, joy joy!!

Wonder why it took him so long, or did half of you already think he was in the race?

Could it have anything to do with the FEC Complaint filed against him on August 20, 2008? The complaint says he violated 11 CFR 100.72:

A. 11 CFR 100.72(B)(2) -- "The individual raises funds in excess of what could reasonably be expected to be used for exploratory activities or undertakes activities designed to amass campaign funds that would be spent after he or she becomes a candidate."

B. 11 CFR 100.72(B)(3) -- "makes or authorizes written or oral statements that refer to him or her as a candidate for a particular office."

C. 11 CFR 100.72(B)(4) -- "conducts activities in close proximity to the election or over a protracted period of time."

Uh, you can't raise and take money from people and not really run there sporty. Glad you decided to finally jump in when you only had 15 days to respond to the complaint. lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think he liked the idea of running for president, but probably didn't really want to run.