May 18, 2008

So who will Obama choose as the VP pony?

Since Obama is the chosen one he needs to pick Chuck Hagel for VP or someone like him. Someone who's kinda opposite of the "perception" of Obama, like a tough white military combat McCain's mythical foreign policy expertise. Because everyone thinks Obama is some sort of hippy liberal progressive (he's really a moderate christrian, like Hillary) he needs that military figure head of a Hagel to play off the turist fear card. Hillary kinda represented both (minus the chick thing), but she's been shut out... since Iowa... and it would be too good to be true for an Obama/Hillster ticket I'm afraid.

Edwards has stated that he will not be VP but you can still choose him if you think he's the better choice. Has he been looking at Attorney General maybe? Ooo! Go after Rove, W, and that whole attorney general scandal. That would be cool.
This makes a team Obama-Hillary ticket look even better. Plus Edwards and his wife like Hillary too and have maybe brokered a deal with both. Let me endorse Obama now, get a good position in his cabinet, and you can have the VP position. Hmmm....maybe not.


Anonymous said...

It won't be Edwards for obvious reasons...he doesn't want it. He would be probable for AG.

Hillary won't receive the VP invite nor would she accept it. There will probably be a token offer made for show that Hill will graciously refuse. She may be offered Stevens seat on the Supreme Court (he is in his late 80's after all). If not, she may be looking ahead to 2012, leading to more theories that she's more concerned in furthering her own agenda than fracturing her party. Whoops, forgot I was on a Hillbot blog. My apologies. Hillary is kewl and I would like to have a beer chaser with her :)

Chuck Republicans that high up. Although I would not rule out him as Sec Def. FDR selected Republicans in his cabinet (as Sec Def and Sec of State I believe). But I agree with your thinking on VP choice....contrast Obama to widen the demographics.

Which leads us to more likely choices. In your line of thinking, I think an older southern Senator like Sam Nunn, who has foreign policy experience. Or he could select a woman (Napalitano of AZ or Sebelus of KS), both of whom are very popular in their respective red states. Hillary wouldn't widen appeal to independants and Republicans...she's got too high negatives. The Napalitano and Sebelus selections would be an effort to bring back women voters that are currently supporting Hillary.

Of course, that is assuming the Democratic party is fractured and that 30% of Hillary supporters would actually think about voting McCain. I just dont think Hillary brings much to the table as these people can be brought back in the fold. The most important thing to do is to continue to attack McCain on his capitulation and similarities to Bush. And air that picture of McCain giving a gay man hug to Bush..air it like 5 times a day...that pic is so gay it may even take some of McCain's know, closeted homophobes :)

anonymous said...

St Pete Times suggested Hagel.

Anonymous said...

Hagel just doesnt make sense. He's one of the more conservative Senators with a high rate of voting with Bush. Take away his admirable opposition to the Iraq war and he may be in the top 5 most conservative Senators. This is not someone to select as your running mate while simultaneously portraying (correctly) your opponent as been a Bush clone.

If Hagel has any part of an Obama administration, its in the cabinet. As VP, he'd be one heart-beat from the presidency where he'd control the agenda. Why would a conservative Republican like Hagel be selected to run with the 41st most liberal senator? (Obama is rated 41st according to objective data and not the 1st most liberal as the factually challenged argue).

Anonymous said...

Obama is 41st with an average liberal rating of 80%. Right around where Clinton is. Hagel is squarely in the conservative camp (or anti-liberal) according to these numbers. He also has a McCain-esque percentage in terms of voting with Bush (above 95%).

crystal dawn said...

Well that sux about Hagel and his voting record. How about Jim Webb then? All I'm saying is that Obama might not want to pick another "perceived" uber-liberal. Unless it's Gore. haha

But if you look at arroz's site on the list of senators and their liberal standing... many of them are not that liberal. At least not as liberal as the public wants them to be.

anonymous said...

Hmm I thought the public wanted them to be conservative, hence the last god-forsaken eight years.
Here's a thought for VP - Olympia Snowe (R) ME
In April 2006, Snowe was selected by Time as one of "America's 10 Best Senators."[8] She was the only woman so recognized. Time praised Snowe for her sensitivity to her constituents, also noting that: "Because of her centrist views and eagerness to get beyond partisan point scoring, Maine Republican Olympia Snowe is in the center of every policy debate in Washington."

anonymous said...

woops too late She already endorsed McBush.