November 30, 2008

Advair and Bubbletape: A Case Study

Have you ever noticed when drugs on TV look like some sugar infested candy for kids?

Take ADVAIR for example:

Looks just like BubbleTape:

*ADVAIR® is clinically proven to significantly improve chewing (measured by a urine test administered by departments of education), compared with people taking either Bubbleyum 50 mcg or Clorets 250 mcg. Your results may vary.
†In people with a history of popping bubbles.

ADVAIR is approved for squirrels, mormons with limpus dickus, including baptists, jean skirts, or both. You should only take 10" slice of tape dose of ADVAIR twice an hour to ensure maximum sugar sustainability. Higher doses will not provide additional benefits. People with limpus diskus taking ADVAIR may have a higher chance of anal leakage. Call your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms: change in amount or color of sputum, dead tired while driving, goofy behavior, or zombie like walking. ADVAIR may increase your risk of eye problems, bowel problems, pecker problems, or some kind of problem worse than needing ADVAIR. You should have regular eye exams.

Just when you thought legal drugs, with their PhD prestige, pill pushing legitimacy, and adaptabilty to pass any piss test imaginable wouldn't get any lower, they shamelessly appeal to our inner child sugar highs. Pete Thaw better be on top of this pronto!


arrozconpollo said...

I'm waiting for the drug pushed by Big Pharma that resembles Big League Chew.

anonymous said...

Doesn't Bubble Tape make your elbows peel?

themom said...

scary thoughts there CDR!

SagaciousHillbilly said...

Yea, and AcP's drug of choice looks like spray paint or cleaning fluid.

arrozconpollo said...

Yo Sagacious, why u b hatin on da huffin? it b expandin yo mind an shit, u shud be down wit dat. Plus it makes yo grammah git all ghetto-iz'd an shit.

SagaciousHillbilly said...

Me? Hatin on the huffin? Sir, was it not I who introduced you to the fairy land of Carbona?
Why, I can explain the science of polycyclic aromatic ingestion if you would just put down the bag for a minute and listen.
I think it must be your wifey CD who opposes your full time recreational profession.

arrozconpollo said...

You crack me up SH